Those who fed a baby know that kids under 1 year eat much porridges. Sometimes in very bad cases of allergy on milk formula mothers may replace it with liquid porridge on cow milk (i did it with my son since his 2 month :( ). But
porridges are useful not only for babies. They contain a lot of micro elements which are requared by our organism. First i'd like to say some words about cereals i usually cook for my family.
Oats. Contains many carbohydrates which are energy source, also many trace elements and vitamins normalizing metabolism, vitamin B, сalcium and phosphorus... Isn't that enough?
Buckwheat. Contains a record number of minerals - iodine, phosphorus, iron, copper, and B vitamins, vitamins PP and E. It's rich in fiber, healthy carbohydrates and essential amino acids, and protein composition to even compare it with meat.
Rice. Rice porridge retains all the most important substances in this cereal after heat treatment. For this reason, the use of rice porridge is the presence of vitamins B, E and PP. Also this rich cereal contains trace elements necessary for human body, such as manganese, potassium, phosphorus and iron, calcium, selenium and zinc.
Semolina. Semolina can be an excellent natural source of nutrients: minerals, vitamins, starch, proteins and so on. This porridge is highly recommended for those who suffer from various diseases and disorders of the digestive system, as semolina has a soft enveloping effect and helps soothe gastritnye or ulcer pain and spasms.
I cook some other porridges like millet porridge, but not very often.
When my son was a baby i always cooked porridge for him by myself. I don't believe in usefulness of soluble cereals for children because real cereal never can be prepared without heat treatment.
I used to prepare the porridge this way: i grinded chosen cereal in the coffee grinder, saved it in the jar and
used some amount when i needed. Heat treatment duration for different cereals is different. For example, it's about 10 minutes of boiling on low heat for buckwheat, about 7 minutes - for rice porridge, 1 minute (with next infusion) - for oats and semolina porridges. And + tiny amount of salt and sugar. As for a baby i used 1 tablespoon of porridge for 200 g of milk. For adults - more, of course.
But if you're an adult or your kids are older than 1.5 years you don't need to grind the cereals.
The best way of buckwheat porridge preparation is following: place some buckwheat, salt in the pot, pour it with boiling water (porridge:water = 1:2) and just leave for some hours. And your porridge is ready without spending time on it and with all vitamins and elements inside!
Some kids don't like the taste of buckwheat or oats. Just add some raisins, dried apricots, honey, whatever sweet and healthy and your child won't resist eating it, i'm sure!
Porridges are very good for breakfast - they give much energy, good for organizm, give many elements (also for brains!). It's a great beginning of the day!