I decided to make such a folder for my little miracle too, with nice cover! Though he doesn't draw professionally now, i think, it will be quite interesting for him to know which topics for drawing he liked in the childhood.
So, i bought the most simple and cheap card paper folder in the store (i didn't need expensive ones, because i was gonna design it as i want to). Then i made a folder "cover" - A4 paper with a nice picture on it. Printed it and glued on the folder. You can download Photoshop file with this cover for free, of course.
To make ties i took a long blue lace and cut into two equal laces.
Then, using two cute blue cirles from the same material and making two knots, i formed the ties for my folder:
Then i cut some cute details, i used this set:
Then cut two squares out of the card paper and glued the details on them:
After that i glued the squares and laces this way:
And ready! Good way for memories keeping!
Look at my other pages!
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