Sometimes this question is too hard and costs too much nerves! But let's calm down and look at the situation clearly: how to do it?
Yes, this process may take enough time. Yes, it's not always easy.
In my post i want to share my methods of putting my son (he is 2 now) to bed.

2. Be sure your kid has eaten. Yeah, if he/she is hungry the putting to bed challenge will hardly be executed!
3. Be sure your kid is tired. If he/she is not, why, you think, he/she already needs to sleep? Play with the kid, walk, talk, etc.
4. It's time to calm your child down. Young children's nervous system is so constructed that they can not calm themselves. Help your baby! You may swing him/her a little, or carry in your arms and show various things (moon in the night sky, a cat that goes to bed too, nice paintings), tell a story. Just relax and enjoy your time with your lovely kid.
5. It's time for bed. Put your kid to bed and tell about the soft pillow that missed him/her so much, about warm blanket that wants to hug your kid. Cover your child with the blanket, caress the child's head, kiss him gently and whisper about all the things you've done today or yesterday, or a favourite fairy-tale... Sing lullabies, not loud... You feel the love? I always do.
Sometimes the process may take about an hour. Sometimes it's enough just to use only some steps. It always depends on the situation.
But NEVER be angry with your child, scream at him/her, spank him/her, put him/her to bed if you clearly see your kid doesn't wanna sleep now!