воскресенье, 27 января 2013 г.
Pizza in 15 minutes. Quick cooking
If you've tried cooking pizza in due form you might know that it takes enough time: making dough, leave it for some time, forming a shape and cooking itself. It can take even more than an hour of your time. But, surely, someday you'd have a wish to eat pizza but no power to cook it that way and you'd rather say "No" for a ready pizza from a store.
Then you'll definitely like this recipe: it's super simple, it takes about 30 minutes (slicing, making a dough and cooking itself) and (the main important part) it's really tasty!
As for me, i like fast recipes and, besides, i wanted to check it out: "Is it like a real pizza?" You can use this recipe for breakfast, brunch or snack. And it sounds really good :)
For pizza in 15 minutes you need
4 tablespoons of mayonnaise
3 tablespoons of sour cream
1 tablespoon of ketchup
6 tablespoons of flour
6 tablespoons of flour
2 eggs
and whatever you like for pizza (cheese, mashrooms, sausages, etc.)
суббота, 26 января 2013 г.
How to cook chicken hearts
Chicken hearts cooking itself doesnt take much time - it takes their preparing. A membrane department, venticles cleaning and deferents cutting of 1 kg of hearts may take about 40-60 minutes. But this dish worths that!
For chicken hearts with sour cream you need
1 kg of chicken hearts
4 onions of middle size
2-3 full tablespoons of sour cream
2 full teaspoons of flour
воскресенье, 20 января 2013 г.
"Envelopes for a loved one" (an easy recipe for breakfast)
I had some dough in my fridge after making another dish and i needed to cook something out of it. The idea came naturally: "What if?.." That's how i decided to make "envelopes for a loved one" (it's how i called it :) ).
For "envelopes for a loved one" you need
filling (potatoes, mushrooms, onion, eggs, cheese - whatever you like most!)
суббота, 19 января 2013 г.
Easy nutritious Saturday breakfast (draniki recipe)
It was -10 C but we decided to spend some hours outdoors. So, we needed much energy in order to keep warm. Yeah, the answer was a nutritious breakfast again! And draniki were our choice.
Draniki is potato pancakes, a dish from Belarusian national causine. Every housewife may have her own recipe for this dish, i want to show you mine.
For draniki you need
1 egg
onion (to taste but not too much)
salt (to taste)
четверг, 17 января 2013 г.
Easy candy recipe
When i found this recipe i didn't believe these candies can be tasty. But I'm curious enough to try!
3 glasses of flour (yes, flour!)
1 glass of sugar
150 g of butter
vanillin, cinnamon (to your taste)
nuts, halva, almond - whatever you like for filling
First of all you need to fry flour until it has color like this (takes about an hour):
After that take your pan off the fire and mix it with sugar, butter, vanillin, cinnamon and filling (important: it must be crushed) as well as possible. Then little by little add milk to get the mass that can be easily molded. Make balls or other shapes out of your mass. Decorate it how your imagination suggests you!
Let it cool down completely or put into the fridge for some hours (then it'll be even more tasty!).
I've made candies with crushed halva inside and outside :) (see picture above).
My family is pleased :)
Best for eating with a cup of tea or milk!
Bon appetit!
P.S. Be attentive: these candies are very nutritios 'cause of flour!
воскресенье, 13 января 2013 г.
Easy nutritious Sunday breakfast
This easy breakfast is perfect if you have your own family and like spend days off together walking outside during many hours, or if you've planned lots of things to do during the day, or if you have a large family, or if you simply like nutritious breakfasts :)
Cooking of this breakfast took about 30 minutes of my morning time.
For nutritious Sunday breakfast you need
2 onion of middle size
some pieces of bread
some of pasta
3 eggs
2 dessert spoons of flour
100 g of kefir
Ingredients amount depends on how much you want to make, family members amount, your pan capacity and your own taste. My breakfast was cooked for 3 adult men and myself.
суббота, 12 января 2013 г.
Borsch recipe
Borsch is a kind of soup, a dish from Ukrainian kitchen. They say, "Woman who is able to cook borsch, is gonna be loved" :)
I wanna show you my recipe variant for this dish. It's super simple and super tasty as well!
For cooking borsch you need:
1 beet of medium size
6 potatos of medium size
1 big carrot
some of cabbage
some of meat with meat bouillon
Amount of ingredients depends on your casserole capacity, i used the one i told about in this post.
I wanna show you my recipe variant for this dish. It's super simple and super tasty as well!
For cooking borsch you need:
1 beet of medium size
6 potatos of medium size
1 big carrot
some of cabbage
some of meat with meat bouillon
Amount of ingredients depends on your casserole capacity, i used the one i told about in this post.
среда, 9 января 2013 г.
Searching for the best diaper
When our baby was just born i had listened to commercials and decided to use Pampers. Through some time i found out that our son had allergy reaction on this diapers. A very good friend said that Huggies may give the same affect on the skin, so i rejected from these diapers as well. The same friend adviced using Happy as these diapers are no allergic. Indeed, the baby had no bad reaction on it. We were using them for about a year, maybe a little more. But i was worrying about baby's skin, it was a little wet all the time...
Recently, when we had New Year holidays, our Happy diapers were ending and we found out that we couldn't find them in the stores... So, we decided to try another kind of diapers for a while. It was CanBebe, rather cheap, just to use it for about a week, while we'd be able to buy our Happy.
I'm not pleased with CanBebe at all. Perhaps, the cheap is very bad in this case. Baby's fanny is very wet and i have to change a diaper every 1-2 hours because it's filled up too fast. It wasn't a way out.
The diaper itself looks like Happy's one. After a night using this diaper i was surprised! The skin was dry and the diaper was a very little bit wet (the baby has just done his pipi job :)).
The price of Baby Life is very good, alike Happy's one, and it's found out to be even better!
вторник, 8 января 2013 г.
My simple meatless pickle soup
Pickle soup is a dish from a Russian kitchen, very delicious in my opinion! It differes from an ordinary vegetable soup in using pickled cucumbers and pickle itself and groats. Let me tell you how i've cooked it recenty.
All you need is:

200 g of pickled cucumbers
200 g of pickle
big carrot
200 g of pearl barley
Put a casserole with water on fire. Chop onion and rub a carrot on a grater and put them to the hot pan, make fire less and mix time after time.
Chop cucumbers into pieces, put them into a hot pan with some water, stew it.
Put pearl barley into boiled water, chop potatos into pieces and put them into a casserole as well. Through about 15 mins put both pans contents into a casserole and add pickle. Add spices and salt if needed. Through 3-5 mins soup is ready!
It's best with feeding with sour cream!
Bon appetit!
P.S. Traditionally, pickle soup is cooked with meat, but this is my vegetarian variant for the fasting.
суббота, 5 января 2013 г.
Simple dinner for a large family (for tired mums (or dads?))
If you have a little kid (or kids) and you have to clean your house, wash dishes, play with a kid, cook a lot for a family and you even want to spend some time on your hobby (really?), at the end of a day you should be like a sucked orange, no doubts. Here comes a day when here's no dinner for your big family for tomorrow but you've already planned too many things for this day or you simply don't wanna do it tomorrow! What will you do? I'm gonna tell you what i do in this case (in addition, if i'm already a little tired).
Here, in Belarus, we used to have soup as a first dish, meat or fish (or something like that) with a side dish and something to drink (milk, kefir, compote, etc.). If you're tired and want to cook something simple, pretty quick but at least a little interesting you can follow my way.
I've cooked three things: vegetable soup, potato and meat.
пятница, 4 января 2013 г.
Natural kefir for your baby or yourself
Good day, dear friends!
When my baby was 4-month-old i started feeding him kefir in the mornings. Firstly, it contains lots of calcium, secondly, it's very useful for alimentary system. I don't believe kefir from a store, so I decided to follow a very simple but healthy recipe.
Anyway in the beginning i had to choose kefir from a store i trust the most. I've bought 0.5 liter - the least amount i could find. I need to make about 200 ml of kefir, so i choose a clean 500 ml jar and poured ~ 70 ml (about 1/7 of a jar) of kefir, then i filled the rest of a jar with milk (our plants make it good, i trust it). After that i closed the jar and left it on a table for several hours. I make this procedure in the evening (at about 7 p.m) and kefir is being made the whole night til 6-7 a.m.
To make kefir all the next times you need some of previous portion of your kefir and new milk. And repeat the rest of the procedure. Then you can have fresh and healthy kefir everyday, you can drink it, feed a baby or use in some other way (for baking cakes, for example ;)).
My jar of kefir this morning:

четверг, 3 января 2013 г.
A little parent thing
Imagine that: you're a parent of a 1.5-year-old baby. For sure, much money goes on this prettiest creature in the world :) Your baby sleeps in his little bed, and you think that it's time for a personal baby pillow now (if you've not used it before like i didn't).
I looked through the prices on pillows of not very big sizes and i made a conclusion that i'd better do it myself to save some money. Baby's pillow has to be made of an artificial material 'cause it's more healthy. In my case the best material is sintepon: it's artificial, warm and soft. And not expensive! It's about 3 $ for a meter.
I used sintepon 150 cm in width and 180 cm in length (don't use much of material - the pillow is gonna be too thick then for a little kid), so i spent about 5 $ on it all.
Just fold sintepon in the way to form a pillow, put it into a pillowcase - and that's it!
That's what i have:
I looked through the prices on pillows of not very big sizes and i made a conclusion that i'd better do it myself to save some money. Baby's pillow has to be made of an artificial material 'cause it's more healthy. In my case the best material is sintepon: it's artificial, warm and soft. And not expensive! It's about 3 $ for a meter.
I used sintepon 150 cm in width and 180 cm in length (don't use much of material - the pillow is gonna be too thick then for a little kid), so i spent about 5 $ on it all.
Just fold sintepon in the way to form a pillow, put it into a pillowcase - and that's it!
That's what i have:
(sorry for bad quality)
My pillowcase size is 60cm x 60cm.
My kid is pleased with his personal pillow - it's the main thing!
I hope this post is usefull for you!
P.S. You can either sew the sides of your pillow or leave it how it is (i didn't sew it). If you don't, then you can use it in another way: to make another pillow, light coverlet or a nice pillow for your couch! So many ways to use it!
среда, 2 января 2013 г.
Belarusian potato "drachena"
Good day, friends!
Here i am to tell you about one yummie belarusian dish!
Maybe you know belarusian kitchen is famous for using potatoes a lot :) So, this dish isn't an exception. But using potatos doesn't mean something boring if you know how to cook it! So, let's start!
What you need:
potatoes (how many you want it)
1 egg
salt (how much you like) or flavoring with salt (again - how much you like it)
pepper (how much you like)
flour (depending on how many potatoes you use, the mass has to be thick enough)
onion (how much you like, i used lots of 'cause i love it!)
You have to rub your potatoes on a grater or you can use food processor with any inlet fitting you like (but not very big, for sure :)). I won't lie, i like it fast, so i used food processor and that's what i got then:
Make hot your pan, chop onion and fry it. Meanwhile the onion is fried, you can add an egg, flour and spice your potatoes adding sault (or flavoring - i've chosen it), pepper and whatever you like most of all and can't forget to add it to dish :) This is my fav flavoring:
I use it with soup, potatoes, meat, pasta, etc. Love it!
When onion is ready, add it to the mass and mix it all well.
Heat an oven to an average temperature. Take deep shape, grease it with a vegetable oil and put your mass in it, spreading evenly. You can put some tomatoes on the top if you like, you may get something like this:
Mmmmm, looks so yummie, i like tomatoes! :D You can salt them either if you like.
Put your shape in the oven and wait some time (about 30 minutes) while it's done (check potatoes, they don't need to crackle on your teeth if they are done :)). Don't hold your dish in the oven to much time 'cause you risk to have dry potatoes :)
When you're ready try to cut your dish into pieces, put some of them into the plate and add some sour cream. You won't regret, i promise!
That's what you may have:
Bon appetit!
P.S. Instead of adding tomatoes, you can just put a shape with a mass into the oven and when the dish is almost ready sprinkle some grated cheese. My brother likes it most :) Then that's what you may get:
Thanks to this page: http://www.gotovim.ru/national/beloruss/3758.shtml
First message!
Hey everyone!
It's my first message in this blogspot-blog, i'm new to this! So wish me good luck!
I'd love to make post on what me or my family members do. Hm, i think first of all it's about what is goin on on my kitchen. So here will be post about what i'm busy with when my little baby gives me some time for what i want. Have fun, write comments! <3
It's my first message in this blogspot-blog, i'm new to this! So wish me good luck!
I'd love to make post on what me or my family members do. Hm, i think first of all it's about what is goin on on my kitchen. So here will be post about what i'm busy with when my little baby gives me some time for what i want. Have fun, write comments! <3
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